APS Grad Club

The Applied Plant Sciences Grad Club organizes events and activities for graduate students in the program including intramural sports, fundraisers, and social outings.

Follow the APS Grad Club on Facebook and Instagram

APS Grad Club Officers for 2024 - 2025

  • President: Alejandra Quinones
  • Vice-President: John Larsen
  • Secretary: Sam Clayton
  • Treasurer: Isabella Fiore
  • Social Chair: Douglas Vines & Lori Croghan
  • Outreach Chair: Lovepreet Singh
  • COGS Representative: Maybell Banting
  • GSB Representative: Maicy Vossen
  • Plant Breeding Track Representative: InĂ©s Rebollo
  • Horticulture Track Representative: Hazel Schrader
  • Agronomy/Agroecology Track Representative: Jason Hickman