Forms & Degree Planning

Graduate students in Applied Plant Sciences gain a broad familiarity with all the disciplines within the program and gain in-depth knowledge within their area of specialization.

M.S. Degree Requirements

The M.S. degree is offered under Plan A (with thesis) and Plan B (with a special project). Plan A requires a minimum of 20 credits in the major field and 10 M.S. thesis credits. Plan B requires a minimum of 30 credits in the major field.

A common curriculum comprises a thesis or project proposal seminar, and courses in statistical analysis, ethics and responsible conduct of research, and orientation to Minnesota crop production and research methods. The additional course requirements are flexible and are determined in consultation with the student's adviser and advisory committee. Candidates for the M.S. degree must pass a final oral examination. Students usually complete the M.S. degree in 2.5 years.

Ph.D. Degree Requirements

The Ph.D. degree emphasizes original research that contributes significantly to the knowledge base in the student's field of specialization. Ph.D. students need to complete a minimum of 30 credits in the major field and 24 Ph.D. thesis credits. Courses taken during M.S. studies may count towards these requirements.

In addition to the common curriculum required for M.S. students, Ph.D. students need to complete a supervised-teaching course, a current-topics course, and a thesis-proposal seminar. Additional course requirements are flexible and are determined in consultation with the student's adviser and advisory committee. Ph.D. students must pass a series of three tests that constitute the written preliminary examination followed by an oral preliminary examination. Ph.D. candidates must pass a final oral examination based on the candidate's Ph.D. dissertation. Students usually complete the Ph.D. in two or three years (after the M.S. degree).

Performance Evaluations 

Current students in Applied Plant Sciences need to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of their degrees. Annual performance evaluations are required for reappointment as research assistants.

APS Travel/Training Award Form

There are two types of APS program awards: travel and training.  You can learn more about each type of award and apply for them using this Google form. Nomination forms will be reviewed by the Steering Committee on a rolling basis. 


Guides for Current Students